Monday, September 19, 2011

Applying Excel to My Business

Using a spreadsheet application on a computer is a useful task in most businesses, as it will be in this business. Because I am most familiar with Microsoft Excel, this program will be the spreadsheet application I use. Spreadsheets serve multiple purposes that will make organizing any and all information easier and more orderly.

The most basic task I will take on with Excel is recording customers names, contact information, and necessary financial information (payment method, payment amount, etc.) Because the application will be the same price for each and every customer, once I have one customer's payment amount down, I will be able to use Excel's "drag" function to automatically fill in other customers' payment amounts. 

The same is with any business at first in that there will be a low initial membership so information is easy to take on manually. But once the application becomes more popular, I will need to take advantage of Excel's various services and functions.

Something I believe to be useful will be organizing information or new purchases monthly. By doing this I will be able to compare revenues or losses between months. By using the "AutoSum" function, I can easily add up the totals that I receive monthly. To make the information even more viewer friendly, I will use conditional formatting to indicate whether I have a positive or negative month based on a constant goal.

One service that Excel offers which I believe I will find to be most helpful is creating charts and graphs to really provide a brilliant visual aid. I will be able to also use charts to organize my monthly financial information, and one time gets going I will also be able to make yearly charts. Excel makes chart making easy by just selecting desired information then entering the chart wizard. This is the easiest way to organize and compare records.

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