Monday, September 26, 2011

Applying Computer Forensics To My Business

Obtaining personal and credit information is very appealing to people in today's society who are interested in taking someone's money or other assets. The ease of doing this has risen due to the integration between personal information and computers. Being someone who runs their own business, I am sure that my information would be all the more valuable to someone looking to steal money or hack the business's system. Therefore I will need to take strict precautions when it comes to digital security of information on all computers.

My first priority will  be to make sure every employee is educated on what information he or she should release over the internet, as well as be warned about risky internet activity. Every employee should know to read each and every email with the utmost scrutiny. No employee should ever disclose any credit card numbers, customer information, social security numbers, etc without having one-hundred percent certainty of who will be seeing it.

Aside from that, I will make sure my employees are educated in computer forensics. It is important that employees know that even when information is deleted from a computer it can still be recovered. This is important when it comes time to discard of computers or just simply a hard drive. If someone one looking for company information for malicious use, they could simply take a computer if thrown into the trash, and use a program to recover the information. The information is still there, it is just marked as that it can be reused. When it comes time for a computer to be discarded, it must be sent somewhere reliable where it can be destroyed.

Employees must be educated to the fullest extent in these issues. A slip up in withholding information could blow up very quickly and be devastating to the company. 

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