Monday, September 12, 2011

Laundry View iPhone/Android Application

As a college student living in the dorms, I have a strong idea for the hassles that most students go through. Considering that most students have to balance class, outside homework, having a social life, and then maybe even sports or an actual job, I'm positive that all students would love to cut back on any tedious tasks that the college life entails. One of these tedious tasks is doing laundry.

Having to take the elevator down 8 floors to go put your clothes in the washer, then an hour later having to come down and put it in the dryer, and then an hour later having to come back and retrieve the clothes is tedious enough. But then mix in getting to the laundry room and having no available washers nor dryers can make for an awful experience. Then there is what always happens to me, forgetting what time my clothes will be done.

Laundry is a very stressful task, but what I am about to present will make it that much easier. There already exists a website that serves as a basis for my application, but the application by far improves upon this service. The Laundry View Application for the iPhone and Android Markets provides a very user friendly look into any college laundry room that is registered. Now from anywhere on campus, you can simply open up an application and view and monitor the status of all washers, all dryers, and obviously your own laundry. Never again will someone arrive to the laundry room with no machines available, and never again will someone forget when it is time to retrieve their laundry, no matter where they are located at the time.

As with any new idea, take off for the application is going to need some assistance. There are all different types of advertising that I know can benefit the take off of this new service, but being the technological and social society that we live in today, I believe that online advertising should be my initial route to take. And being an application designed for college kids, this all the more proves to be the right way to go. Having the knowledge of how much time and influence social media sites provide students of today's generation, I certainly believe that sites such as Twitter and Facebook should allow this application to become hot quick.

Having previous experience with both of these sites is going to be beneficial in knowing how to spread the word on this application. I will broadcast to friends on both Facebook and Twitter the birth of this application and suggest them to forward it to more friends. Also on Facebook I will begin a group that promotes the application, and I will open it to everyone. On twitter I can tweet about the app, and try to get as many people as I can to try to make it a trending topic. I also will try to follow more people and gain more followers myself so that I have that much more influence over twitter.

Through advertising on these social media sites, I expect this application to receive quick recognition and to soon be helping students throughout all college campuses get their laundry done.


  1. Laundry really is a constant hassle. I think that you could even expand upon this idea to look to see if there is any way you can integrate it with laundromats. Good job of integrating the content from the lectures into your posts.

  2. You have pointed out a significant problem many college students encounter in daily life. As a student, I pretty appreciate for this idea to help us solve this hassle. I also agree with the ideas of the way you use for advertisements. As the targets are youngsters, social media is the best channel to advertise.

  3. i think your idea is really good. Laundry has bothered me a lot since my college life started.I am definitely going to install your application as soon as it comes out. Also, i like the idea of how you are going to advertise the item. Social media is huge nowadays. However, i am wondering how your system will actually work. There are many steps you are required to do in order to make application, also there should be a system into the laundry that is connected to the application. Then, how are you figure out ? Otherwise, I think this is really good idea.

  4. Awesome idea! As a college student, I can safely say that such an application would come in handy. It might even make sense to expand it beyond a mere time-tracking device. It'd be great to have an application that allows you to pay the machines directly from your phone, eliminating the need for pesky quarters. Small novelty features like tips on how to wash certain items of clothing might not be critical to such an app, but would make it more appealing and useful.
