Monday, October 3, 2011

Applying Input/Output To My Business

Ideas involving input and output devices present a lot of opportunity to different aspects of my business. As many of the other things I have discussed in my blog have been about applying information to the management of my business, such as using Excel or disposing of hardware, input and output can be applied directly to my product/service.

I have several ideas for how I can use input or output devices to even further enhance the quality and the ease of use of my product. One idea I have that I believe will increase the ease of use of my product therefor making it more popular, involves voice recognition. Voice recognition will be implemented in two ways:

  • First, voice recognition will can be used for the initial setup of the application. The user will simply speak into their phone, first speaking their campus name and then their dorm name. The application will then take them to exactly where they need to be.
  • Second, if all machines are taken, the user will be able to speak "first available," and the device will then locate and point out the machine that will first be available to use.
The other idea i had concerning input/output involved QR codes. The QR code would be used to let the user know when his or her laundry was done. Each machine will have a QR code placed on it. After you have put your laundry in a machine, simply scan the code on your phone using the applications QR code scanner, and it will register that you are using that machine. When the time is up on that machine, you will be notified immediately.

These two idea I believe will be easy to implement and at the same time will be very beneficial to producing more business. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that is a fantastic idea with the QR codes...I know I would have certainly appreciated that when I was in undergrad and doing laundry. One idea that I had to expand upon this idea of the machine telling you when your laundry is done and automatically adding an alarm as well to your phone. It is easy to get distracted so this would be something that really would make doing laundry much easier for students. All of this looks great so far, I think you should just keep thinking outside of the box for ways to make your idea stand out and be helpful for students.
