Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Applying Bits and Bytes To My Business

When dealing with computers, bits and bites along with being able to count in binary are information that must be understood before any technological aspects of a business will succeed. Where this really comes in play with my business is when it comes to matters of how much memory I will need in terms of Bytes.  This is important to know because I need to know how much storage I will need on my computers. Basic knowledge about prefixes is a beginning to understanding this, but it goes further. I will need to know first off if business on my computers will require either Terabytes of storage or Gigabytes.

Word documents and PowerPoints will not really be a factor as a one page Word document only take up 30KB, which is virtually nothing in terms of a gigabyte or terabyte. Things that will need to be considered is how much video or pictures will be used. Specifically videos will take up much more space than anything else previously stated. Of course there will be other applications and such that will also needed to be looked at in terms of how much storage space they will require. With the material I am dealing with, I don't expect at this time to need as much as a terabyte of storage.

1 comment:

  1. First off you spelt bites one way then bytes a different way. Its bytes. But memory capacity is definitely an important aspect in building an app. I think there is a limited amount of memory that an app for the iPhone can have; so it may be useful to research that. Anyways, I feel gigabytes and terabytes are both rather large for an app on a phone. I think some more research on the subject would be more useful.
