Sunday, October 30, 2011

Final Summary Post

My original idea has significantly developed within the last eight weeks or so. Way back on September 12th, I posted my base idea of creating a Laundry View application for both iPhones and android phones. This post covered what it exactly was that my product offered, it covered what problems it solves, and it also went into details about how I will market the product. For initial purposes I said that I think that it would be greatly beneficial to promote the product through social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter because this product is aimed at college students who for the most part are all very active on these sites.

Each week for six weeks after my original post, I made a  new post about how I can apply things that I have newly learned to the advancement of my product. My first idea involved applying excel to my business. The core idea of apply excel was that I could use it to organize my data, and then use formulas and its functions to make necessary accounting calculations. The next week I talked about how I could apply computer forensics to my business. The core idea about applying this was to make sure that all my employees are well informed to what information they should release over the internet, and be knowledgeable about data that will still remain after disposing of a computer. I then went on to apply input and output to my business. A couple ideas that came out of this was taking advantage of technologies such as voice recognition and QR codes. The following week I posted about how I could apply bits and bytes to my business. The main way I would apply this information would be to know how much memory I needed in my computers, and how much memory certain documents and such would require. The last idea that I applied to my business was networks. Core ideas from this information were understanding the uses of IP addresses, domain names, and the differences between different email protocols.

All of this new information that I acquired over the course of eight weeks seems to hold a great deal of value and opportunity for the success of my new business. All of these ideas will be incorporated and hopefully produce great results. The experience of creating the blog, learning new information, thinking about how to apply the information and eventually sharing these ideas withe the world was a great experience. It got me more experienced to blogging which I had never done before, and also got my to run my mind through ideas about apply new knowledge to a business environment which I would have never done before.

A few other things that further improved the experience were a meeting a had with the GA, a review I made for a professional blog, and viewing and commenting on other students' blogs. The names of the students and the links to their blogs that I commented on are listed below:

Benita Mach 
James Jarrett 
Kristofer Curtis 

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